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. 2019 Jul 10;3(4):1133–1142. doi: 10.1093/tas/txz108

Table 2.

Days in milk, body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), and incidence of mastitis in lactating ¾ Holstein × ¼ Gir dairy cows assigned to receive (SUPP; n = 18) or not (CON; n = 18) 30 g/cow daily (as-fed basis) of a supplement containing condensed tannins, essential oils, and pungent compounds (Actifor Pro; Delacon Biotechnik GmbH; Steyregg, Austria) from d 0 to 84 of the experiment

Item SUPP CON SEM P-value
Days in milk (d 0), d 87.6 84.9 5.3 0.71
BW, kg
 Initial (average d –7 and 0) 583 582 15 0.94
 Final (d 84) 604 604 15 0.99
  BW change 21.2 23.0 6.9 0.85
 Initial (average d –7 and 0) 2.96 3.13 0.08 0.18
 Final (d 84) 3.18 3.21 0.11 0.87
  BCS change 0.22 0.07 0.05 0.05
Incidence of mastitisb
 Cows diagnosed with mastitis, % 17.6 27.8 10.3 0.49
 Total mastitis per cow in trialc 0.35 0.33 0.17 0.94

aAccording to Wildman et al. (1982).

bCows were screened for mastitis prior to every milking (d –7 to 84) using the strip cup method, whereas clinical mastitis was defined as a change in milk secretion (e.g., flakes) and external evidence of udder inflammation (e.g., hardening and redness) as in Ebert et al. (2017).

cTotal cases of mastitis divided by number of cows within each treatment group.