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. 2019 Jul 16;3(4):1435–1445. doi: 10.1093/tas/txz106

Table 6.

Least square means and standard errors for daily activity and rumination by breed group within primiparous and multiparous cows for the organic dairy herd and low-input conventional dairy herd

Primiparous Multiparous
Breed group1 Organic herd Conventional herd Organic herd Conventional herd
Activity, activity units Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE
 Holstein 611.3a,b 44.0 586.7a 20.5 613.0a 44.7 579.8a 20.5
 1964 Holstein 522.7a 26.7 527.9a 35.3 736.5b 26.7 666.8b 35.2
 MVH 550.3a 21.4 595.7a 15.4 613.8a 21.7 627.8a,b 15.4
 NJV 617.4b 15.8 583.1a 38.8 595.7a 16.0 686.6b 39.0
Rumination, min/d
 Holstein 522.8a,b 11.5 500.9a 4.6 543.7a 12.0 525.8a 4.6
 1964 Holstein 499.0b 7.1 477.9b 7.9 490.3b 7.1 489.1b 7.9
 MVH 521.0a 5.6 497.1a 3.4 518.5c 5.8 516.3a 3.5
 NJV 510.9a,b 4.2 498.3a,b 8.6 513.8c 4.3 516.6a 8.7

a,b,cMeans within a column of primiparous and multiparous breed groups by herd for daily activity and rumination without common superscripts are different at P < 0.05.

1MVH = crossbreds of Montbéliarde, Viking Red, and Holstein; NJV = crossbreds of Normande, Jersey, and Viking Red.