Table 1.
Question | Answer categories | |
1 | Age | |
2 | Sex | |
3 | For how many years have you been transporting sows? | <1 yr 1–5 yr 6–10 yr >10 yr |
4 | When did you receive the required transports certificate? | <1 yr 1–5 yr 6–10 yr >10 yr |
5 | How many sows did you bring to the slaughterhouse today? | |
6 | How many loads of sows do you transport to the slaughterhouse per week? | |
7 | How often do you reject cull sows that have been selected for slaughter by the herd manager? | A) Several per month B) Several per yr C) Max 1 per yr D) Less than 1 per yr E) Never |
8 | What is the typical reason for rejecting a sow? | |
9 | When in doubt about fitness for transport—what is the reason for experiencing doubt? | |
10 N = 23 | What factors are important when you decide whether a sow is fit for transport? | A) Risk of fine B) Sow welfare C) Can’t separate her from rest D) Time E) Other |
11 | Do you experience problems when the sows are loaded into the truck, and if so: which problems? | |
12 N = 23 | How often have you experienced that the veterinarian at the slaughterhouse has rejected the sow due to lack of fitness for transport? | Same categories as no. 7 |
13 N = 23 | What was the problem the last time that you transported a sow that got rejected? | |
14 | How can the weather affect the welfare of the sows during transport to the slaughterhouse? | |
15 N = 24 | How often do you transport sows under special conditions (isolated from the rest, more bedding)? | A) Daily B) Several per week C) 1 per week D) 1 per 2 wk E) 1 per month F) More seldom G) Never |
16 | Which cull sows do you think would benefit from being transported under special conditions? | |
17 N = 23 | Does your workload increase, when the sows are transported under special conditions? | A) No B) A little C) Some D) A lot |
18 N = 23 | Does the rules about resting periods and driving affect the welfare of the sows? | Yes/no |
19 | Have you ever violated the rules about resting periods out of consideration for the sows on the truck | Yes/no |
20 N = 23 | Which of the listed factors do you believe to be most stressful for the sows during transportation? | A) High temperature B) Low temperature C) Long duration (number of hours not specified) D) Small roads, curves, bumps E) Stationary truck F) Other |
21 | Do you adjust the air intake for the sows during transports | Same categories as no. 15 |
22 N = 22 | How often do you mix sows from more herds in the same section of the truck? | Same categories as no. 15 |
23 | For how long do you typically wait to unload sows after arriving at the slaughterhouse? | <10 min 10–30 min 31–60 min >1 h |
The number of respondents is 25, unless otherwise stated.