Results of comparisons between App and AM: mean differences and mean absolute differences (dB HL) of hearing thresholds, in each frequency across all ears.
Frequency [Hz] | Mean diff. (AM-App) [dB HL] | SD | Mean abs. diff. [dB HL] | SD |
125 | −2.132 | 6.135 | 4.706 | 4.462 |
250 | −2.132 | 4.200 | 3.382 | 3.271 |
500 | −2.721 | 3.489 | 3.309 | 2.933 |
750 | −3.382 | 3.746 | 3.824 | 3.291 |
1000 | −3.235 | 4.851 | 4.338 | 3.888 |
1500 | −4.118 | 4.709 | 4.853 | 3.941 |
2000 | −3.015 | 5.453 | 4.485 | 4.315 |
3000 | −0.478 | 4.630 | 3.272 | 3.299 |
4000 | −0.809 | 5.027 | 3.456 | 3.728 |
6000 | −1.985 | 6.033 | 4.265 | 4.696 |
8000 | −0.919 | 6.700 | 4.963 | 4.574 |
SD = standard deviation.