Figure 2.
ZY‐444 suppressed BCA growth, metastasis, and lung colonization in vivo. A) ZY‐444 reduced primary tumor growth significantly in the orthotopic 4T1 model (n = 6–10). B) Representative bioluminescent images of treated mice and dissected tumors and organs in the 4T1 mouse model. The black rectangle shows the location of dissected tumors and indicated organs in a dish. C) Representative images of lungs in control and 5 mg kg−1 ZY‐444 groups. D) Quantification of the numbers of nodules for each treatment. E) Incidence of lung metastases in the 4T1 model. F) Representative bioluminescent images of treated mice as well as resected tumors and organs (same arrangement of organs as in (B) in the MDA‐MB‐231 model. G) ZY‐444 reduced primary tumor growth significantly in an orthotopic MDA‐MB‐231 model (n = 7). H) Incidence of organ metastasis (lungs and bones) monitored by ex vivo bioluminescent detection in the MDA‐MB‐231 model. I) The representative bioluminescent images of treated nude mice in the experimental metastasis model. J) The luminal bioluminescent indexes in the lungs of each group were quantified and normalized by an average value of controls. K) The survival rate of each group in the experimental metastasis model was recorded after the tail vein inoculation of MDA‐MB‐231 cells. Data shown are mean ± s.d. p < 0.05, *; p < 0.01, **; p < 0.001, ***; ns, not significant.