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. 2020 Apr 30;35(2):e122. doi: 10.5001/omj.2020.40

Table 1. Summary of general characteristics of studies.

Author Country Number of
Type of organization Study type Data
Sample size Response, %
et al,8
Germany Hospital MOH Cross-sectional Questionnaire 39 90.0
Ali et al,9 England Tertiary hospital MOH Qualitative descriptive approach Interview 59 nurses 100
Al-Khathami et al,10 Saudi Arabia One medical city MOH Cross-sectional Interview 116 100
Bagchi et al,11 USA Medicaid program NA NA Medicaid records 22 353 100
et al,2
Switzerland Five health centers MOH Cross-sectional Hospital database 795 61.1
et al,12
Switzerland Four health centers MOH Cross-sectional Interview 723 100
de Moissac
et al,13,14
Canada NA NA Cross-sectional Online questionnaire and telephone interview 297 100
Divi et al,5 USA Six hospitals MOH Prospective study Incident reports 1083 74.0
Kale et al,15 Norway All health centers in three cities MOH Cross-sectional Questionnaire 1290 35.1
Ngo-Metzger et al,16 USA Eleven health centers MOH Cross-sectional Mailed survey 2746 74.0
Pytel et al,17 USA Tertiary
health care center
MOH Prospective study Questionnaire 123 patients/visitors and
73 nurses
Schlemmer et al,18 South Africa One hospital MOH Cross-sectional Interview 21 health staff (6 junior doctors,
8 experienced nurses, 7 staff) and 5 patients
Van Rooyen et al,19 Saudi Arabia NA MOH and private Qualitative research Interview NA NA
et al,20
USA NA NA Cross-sectional Telephone survey 1200 NR

*MOH: Ministry of Health; NA: not applicable; NR: not recorded.