Fig. 1.
Distribution of different stages and instar ages of lice. Stages and different instar ages of lice sampled at 10 days post-infestation (dpi) and at 18 dpi sampled from the fish body, fins and gills in both experiments (Experiment (Exp) 1 and Experiment 2) are shown. Number of fish sampled: n = 20 (Experiment 1, 10 dpi), n = 18 (Experiment 2, 10 dpi), n = 37 (Experiment 1, 18 dpi) and n = 34 (Experiment 2, 18 dpi). Lice instar ages were defined on photographs as described in the main text. Transcriptome sequencing was performed for lice from Experiment 1 10 dpi, Experiment 2 10 dpi (both chalimus I old) and Experiment 2 18 dpi (chalimus II old) marked with *