(A) The expression levels of RUNX1 from HRMECs treated with or without p38 agonist were measured in normal or high glucose conditions, and (B) the quantification was showed; meanwhile, (C) the tube formation was photographed; then, (D) the number of tubes, nodes and tube length were determined. (E) The RUNX1 protein expression level was measured by Western blotting in normal or HG cells with or without treatment with p38 agonist or sh-RUNX1 adenovirus. (F) The quantification was showed. (G) The tubes that formed were photographed. (H) The number of tubes, nodes and tube length were counted. All experiments were performed triplicate; *P<0.05 and **P<0.01 compared with the control; #P<0.05 compared with HG-induced HRMECs group or the HG + p38 induced group.