Figure 4.
SRNX1 protein expression is increased in human advanced prostate cancer (PCa) and is associated with worse prognosis and decreased survival. (a) Representative image of SRXN1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) in (i) adjacent nonneoplastic tissue, (ii) medium-stage/low-grade tumor, and (iii) advanced-stage/high-grade tumor from tissue microarrays (TMAs) of human prostate samples. Arrows indicate positively stained cells. Scale bars = 200 μM. (b) Representative graph showing the association between SRXN1 protein expression (by IHC analysis in human prostate TMAs) and prognosis, which were divided into groups with good prognosis (categories 1 and 2) and worse prognosis (categories 3, 4, and 5), according to the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) grade. White bars represent patients with negative SRXN1 immunostaining, and red bars represent patients with positive immunostaining. (c) Global survival curve of patients with PCa obtained from SRXN1 IHC analyses in human prostate samples (TMAs) associated with patient survival data. The Kaplan-Meier curve from patients with negative SRXN1 immunostaining is represented by black (Srxn-) and positive immunostaining by red (Srxn+). Curves are significantly different with p = 0.0011.