(A) Representative Kir2.1 current traces recorded from HEK293T cells coexpressing Dr-VSPmChe WT, Dr-VSPmChe L223F, CiDr-VSPmChe WT, CiDr-VSPmChe L223F (eVSP), CiDr-VSPmChe L223F/C302S (eVSP with activity-null mutation: LF/CS), and Kir2.1 alone (−VSP). Holding potential was set to −60 mV and depolarizing step for activating VSP was repeatedly applied (21 times) to 100 mV for 300 ms (the protocol shown at the top). All 21 traces were superimposed in each panel. (B) Time-dependent changes in the normalized amplitudes of Kir2.1 currents in cells coexpressing Dr-VSPmChe WT (unfilled gray circles), Dr-VSPmChe L223F (unfilled black squares), CiDr-VSPmChe WT (filled gray circles), CiDr-VSPmChe L223F (filled black squares), CiDr-VSPmChe L223F/C302S (LF/CS, unfilled gray triangles), or Kir2.1 alone (−VSP, unfilled black triangles) with repeated depolarizing pulses to 100 mV. Amplitudes of Kir2.1 currents were measured at the end of the hyperpolarizing test pulses (−120 mV, 50 ms; arrows in A). Values were normalized by the current amplitude during the first test pulse. Symbols depict the mean ± SD from 6 to 11 cells. (C) Phosphatase activities of Dr-VSPmChe WT, Dr-VSPmChe L223F, CiDr-VSPmChe WT, CiDr-VSPmChe L223F (eVSP), CiDr-VSPmChe L223F/C302S (LF/CS), and Kir2.1 alone (−VSP). Rate constants for the declines in normalized Kir2.1 currents with single exponential fitting are shown as phosphatase activities. The values of the mean ± SD and individual plots are shown. Two cells expressing Dr-VSPmChe WT showed no phosphatase activity and were excluded from these data (*). Values in parentheses indicate the numbers of cells. Upper bars show P values from a two-tailed Student’s t test. (D) Phosphatase activities estimated by different depolarizing conditions. White, light gray, dark gray, and dim gray bars show Dr-VSPmChe WT, Dr-VSPmChe L223F, CiDr-VSPmChe WT, and CiDr-VSPmChe L223F, respectively. Horizontal axis shows the depolarizing voltage condition: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mV. The data in 100 mV are the same data as those shown in C.