Comparison of Vg and J (panels A and B) and an alternative method for measuring CCElongation (panels C and D). Left panels: simplified model; right panels: detailed model. In all panels, the gray dashed lines represent CCElongation as measured by Q3 (Figure 7, A and B) and CCNetAssembly as measured by Q1 ≈ Q2 (Figure 3, A and B). (A, B) Overlay of Vg measured from the time-step analysis of growing individual MTs (square symbols; replotted from Figure 7, A and B) and JConstant measured from the net rate of change in average MT length of the MT population (circle symbols; replotted from Figure 5, C and D), both from the constant [free tubulin] simulations. Interpretation of panels A, B: These data show that at high [free tubulin], JConstant approaches the Vg of individual MTs. These two data sets converge because at sufficiently high [free tubulin] individual MTs are growing (nearly) all the time, as seen in the length histories (Figure 5, A and B). Thus, CCElongation, which was obtained from Vg in Figure 7, should also be obtainable by extrapolating from the JConstant data at sufficiently high [free tubulin]. (C,D) Extrapolation to obtain Q7 from JConstant. Interpretation of panels C, D: In each of the models, the value of Q7 is approximately equal to Q3 ≈ Q6 (Figure 7). Thus, Q7 provides another way of estimating CCElongation. Methods: Regression lines were fitted to JConstant for [free tubulin] in ranges where the JConstant data are approximately linear as a function of [free tubulin]: from 6 to 7 µM for the simplified model (panel C) and from 14 to 20 µM for the detailed model (panel D). Q7 is the x-intercept of the regression line. Note that the [free tubulin] ranges used for determination of Q7 are higher than those used for Q3 and Q6 because the Q7 extrapolation requires conditions where (almost) all MTs in the population are growing (few if any depolymerization phases).