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. 2019 Oct 18;28(23):3954–3969. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddz213

Table 1.

Deleted CNVs containing genes with no known association with CHD and unknown function in cardiac development (category IV). See complete list of genes in Supplementary Table 8. Patient ID numbers are included to allow for cross reference with Supplementary Tables 1 and 4 for additional phenotypic description

CNV segment ID Locus Coordinates of region of overlap or single CNV Syndrome # of patients Patient ID number Heart defects Genes
1 10q25.3 117108537–117433657 4 4456, 248409, 254604, 256406 APVRa, VSD, TOF, ASD ATRNL1
2 14q12 29904720–30316660 14q12 Microduplication 1 252353 VSD MIR548AI, PRKD1
3 2p15 61567864–61568645 2p15-p16.1 Microdeletion 1 2172 AS USP34
4 3p26.3 1145284–1237776 1 262200 VSD CNTN6
5 21q11.2-21.1 16378214–16782361 1 GC7008 MVP NRIP1
6 1q44 244744915–244828276 1 GC75902 HLHS C1orf101, DESI2
7 3p25.3 11393089–11618468 1 274688 ASD ATG7, VGLL4
8 6q21 107461798–107814267 1 254740 VSD PDSS2, SOBP
9 6p25.3 366332–771504 6p25.3 Microdeletion 1 273668 VSD IRF4, EXOC2, HUS1B
10 17p13.3 87009–490921 Miller-Dieker syndrome (MDS) 1 253979 TOF RPH3AL, LOC100506388, C17orf97, FAM101B, VPS53
11 16p13.3 2312956–2353159 1 2627 ASD RNPS1, MIR3677, MIR940, MIR4717, ABCA3
12 16q24.3 89475450–89652148 ANKRD11 haploinsufficiency/16q24.3 Microdeletion 1 249412 AVCD ANKRD11, LOC101927817, SPG7, RPL13, SNORD68, CPNE7
13 21q22.11 34886796–35051669 21q deletion syndrome 1 GC52571 ASD GART, SON, MIR6501, DONSON, CRYZL1, ITSN1
14 1q44 246839121–247179291 1 271992 VSD SCCPDH, LINC01341, AHCTF1, ZNF695, ZNF670-ZNF695
15 17q21.31 43868982–44378247 17q21.31 Microdeletion, 17q21.31 Microduplication 1 252142 VSD, ASD CRHR1, MAPT-AS1, SPPL2C, MAPT, MAPT-IT1, STH, KANSL1, KANSL1-AS1, LOC644172, LRRC37A, ARL17A, ARL17B
16 9q34.3 140403363–140596152 9q34 Microdeletion/Kleefstra 2 250053 ASD, COA, PNPLA7, MRPL41, DPH7, ZMYND19, ARRDC1, ARRDC1-AS1, EHMT1
17 22q11.21-22 21721591–22423216 22q11.2 Distal microdeletion 4 262483, 254238, 251833, 251228 VSD (2), TOF, AVCD HIC2, RIMBP3B, RIMBP3C, TMEM191C, PI4KAP2, UBE2L3, YDJC, CCDC116, SDF2L1, MIR130B, MIR301B, PPIL2, YPEL1, MAPK1, PPM1F, TOP3B, IGLC1
18 19p13.11 16517519–17477318 1 4101 TOF 26
19 19p13.3 259395–1144343 Peutz-Jeghers (PJS) 1 258539 ASD 40

VSD = ventricular septal defect, AVCD = atrioventricular canal defect, ASD = atrial septal defect, TOF = tetralogy of fallot, HLHS = hypoplastic left heart syndrome, APVR, COA = coarctation of aorta, MVP = mitral valve prolapse, AS = aortic stenosis and APVR = anomalous pulmonary venous returna.