Figure 3. Structural heterogeneity of RyR1 in situ .
A, BThe domain definition displayed on the in situ structure, and the update from Ref 28 is presented in Table 1. A is a volume‐rendered representation with the atomic model (PDB: 5TB2), and B is domain representation on the greyscale image. Please note the location of two transmembrane densities: yellow—shown in Fig 1C and magenta—shown in Fig 3B.
CSlices through the results of classification of the particles in the global average into 4 classes at resolutions 15.4, 18, 18 and 27 Å, respectively, with the percentages of the total particles in each class shown beneath. Red arrows show domain movements compared to class 1.
DThe first five modes of correlated movements. Direction of motion is indicated by the arrows.
EInformativity of the respective modes measured as variance of the corresponding mode divided by variance of the first mode. Scale bars: 10 nm.