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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 May 6.
Published in final edited form as: Arch Sex Behav. 2016 Apr 20;45(5):1083–1099. doi: 10.1007/s10508-016-0748-9

Table 1.

A description of the sampling methodology and questions asked in other nationally representative ADA surveys

Sample size Participant age Collection time Sampling
Sampling frame details Collection method ADA measures
Eaton et al. (2012) 15,425 Grades 9–12 September 2010–December 2011 National All regular public and private schools with students in at least one of the grades 9–12 in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The sampling frame was obtained from the Market Data Retrieval (MDR) database, which is based upon data from the Common Core of Data from the National Center for Education Statistics. Self-administered survey in class Physical ADA victimization
  • During the past 12 months, did your boyfriend or girlfriend ever hit, slap, or physically hurt you on purpose?

Sexual ADA victimization
  • Have you ever been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when you did not want to?

Halpem et al. (2001) 7493 (who reported exclusively heterosexual relationships) Grades 7–12 Wave II: April–August 1996 National Systematic sampling methods and implicit stratification to ensure that the 80 high schools selected were representative of US schools with respect to: region, urbanicity, size, type, and ethnicity. Eligible high schools included an 11th grade and enrolled more than 30 students. In-home interview administered via laptop computer; audio computer-assisted self-interview technology was used for sensitive questionnaire content, such as dating violence Physical ADA victimization
  • Did {INITIALS} call you names, insult you, or treat you disrespectfully in front of others?

  • Did {INITIALS} swear at you?

  • Did {INITIALS} threaten you with violence?

  • Did {INITIALS} push or shove you?

  • Did {INITIALS} throw something at you that could hurt you?

Hamby and Turner(2013) 1680 12–17 years old January–May 2008 National The majority of the sample (67%) was acquired through RDD from a nationwide sampling of residential telephone numbers that took place between January and May, 2008. The other 33% of the sample was obtained through an oversampling of U.S. telephone exchanges that included 70% or more African American, Hispanic, or low income households. Telephone Physical ADA victimization
  • At any time in your life, did a boyfriend or girlfriend or anyone you went on a date with slap or hit you?

Additional physical victimization
  • Sometimes people are attacked with sticks, rocks, guns, knives, or other things that would hurt. At any time in (your child’s/your) life did anyone hit or attack (your child/you) on purpose with an object or weapon? Somewhere like: at home, at school, at a store, in a car, on the street, or anywhere else?

  • At any time in (your child’s/your) life, did anyone hit or attack (your child/you) WITHOUT using an object or weapon?

  • When a person is kidnapped, it means they were made to go somewhere, like into a car, by someone who they thought might hurt them. At any time in (your child’s/your) life, has anyone ever tried to kidnap (your child/you)?

  • At any time in (your child’s/your) life, (has your child/have you) been hit or attacked because of (your child’s/your) skin color, religion, or where (your child’ s/your) family comes from? Because of a physical problem (your child has/you have)? Or because someone said (your child was/you were) gay?

  • Sometimes groups of kids or gangs attack people. At any time in (your child’s/your) life, did a group of kids or a gang hit, jump, or attack (your child/you)?

  • At any time in (your child’s/your) life, did any kids try to hurt (your child’s/your) private parts on purpose by hitting or kicking (your child/you) there?

Sexual victimization
  • Now think about other kids, like from school, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a brother or sister. At any time in your life, did another child or teen make you do sexual things?

  • At any time in your life, did anyone try to force you to have sex; that is, sexual intercourse of any kind, even if it didn’t happen?

For both types of victimization, youth were asked the follow-up
  • Who did this?”

  • If respondent participant answered boyfriend, girlfriend, or ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, they were coded as ADA victims

Kann et al. (2014) 13,583 Grades 9–12 September 2012–December 2013 National All regular public and private schools with students in at least one of the grades 9–12 in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The sampling frame was obtained from the Market Data Retrieval (MDR) database, which is based upon data from the Common Core of Data from the National Center for Education Statistics. Self-administered in class Physical ADA victimization
  • During the past 12 months, how many times did someone you were dating or going out with physically hurt you on purpose? (Count such things as being hit, slammed into something, or injured with an object or weapon.)

Sexual ADA victimizations
  • During the past 12 months, how many times did someone you were dating or going out with force you to do sexual things that you did not want to do? (Count such things as kissing, touching, or being physically forced to have sexual intercourse.)

Wolitzky-Taylor et al. (2008) 3614 12–17 years old 2005 National A national household probability sample obtained from RDD with an oversample of urban-dwelling adolescents. Telephone Sexual assault
  • Sometimes a person may do sexual things to a young person that the young person doesn’t want.

    [IF RESPONDENT IS MALE (B3 = 1) SAY: These unwanted sexual things can happen to boys as well as girls and to young men as well as young women.]

    People who try to do unwanted sexual things to young people are not always strangers but can be someone you know well like a friend, neighbor, teacher, coach, counselor, baby-sitter, minister or priest. They can even be a

    [IF RESPONDENT IS MALE (B3 = 1) SAY: girlfriend, ELSE SAY: boyfriend] or dating partner. They can even be a parent or family member. People who try to make young people do unwanted sexual things aren’t always men or boys—they can also be women or girls. I would like you to think about any experiences you have ever had where someone tried to make you do something sexual you didn’t want to do, no matter who did it, how long ago it happened, or whether it was reported to the police or other authorities

    Has a man or boy ever put his private sexual part

    [IF RESPONDENT IS FEMALE, B3 = 2, SAY: inside your private sexual part,] inside your rear end, or inside your mouth when you didn’t want him to?

  • Has anyone, male or female, ever put fingers or objects

    [IF RESPONDENT IS FEMALE, B3 = 2, SAY: inside your private sexual part or] inside your rear end when you didn’t want them to?

  • Has anyone, male or female, ever put their mouth on your private sexual part [IF RESPONDENT IS FEMALE (B3 = 2) SAY: that is below your waist] when you didn’t want them to?

  • Has a man or boy ever made you put your private sexual part in his rear end when you didn’t want to?

  • Has a woman or girl ever made you put your private sexual part in her mouth or inside her body when you didn’t want to?

  • Has anyone, male or female, ever touched your private sexual parts when you didn’t want them to?

  • Has anyone, male or female, ever made you touch their private sexual parts when you didn’t want to?

Physical assault
  • Sometimes young people get hit, beat up or physically assaulted by another person. The person who hits, attacks or beats them up isn’t always a stranger, but can be someone they know well, even a family member or friend. The person doing the hitting can be older than the young person, about the same age, or even younger than the young person. Young people tell us they sometimes get hit, attacked or beat up at school, in their neighborhood, or even at home. These types of attacks can even happen to small children sometimes. Many times, young people never tell anyone about these events.

  • Has anyone— including family members, dating partners, or friends— ever attacked you with a gun, knife or some other weapon, regardless of when it happened or whether you ever reported it to the police?

  • Has anyone— including family members, dating partners, or friends— ever physically attacked you without a weapon, but you thought they were trying to kill or seriously injure you?

  • Has anyone—including family members, dating partners, or friends— ever threatened you with a gun or knife, but didn’t actually shoot or cut you?

  • Has anyone—including family members, dating partners, or friends— ever beat you up, attacked you, or hit you with something like a stick, club, or bottle so hard that you were hurt pretty bad?

  • Has anyone—including family members, dating partners, or friends— ever beat you up with their fists so hard that you were hurt pretty bad?

Follow-up to sexual and physical assault questions
  • Was the person who did this male or female?

  • Was the person who did this an adult, a teenager, or a child?

  • Had you ever seen the person who did this to you before?

  • What was that person’s relationship to you?