(a) The STOP sequence is knocked-out by Cre recombinase under Osx promoter regulation in OPs, which turns on active IKK (alKK) and EGFP expression in OPs (Runx2+/Osx+), Pre-osteoblasts (Pre-OBs, ALP+/Calcitonin+), and osteoblasts (OBs, osteocalcin+). (b) NF-kB activity in the femur from iNF-kB/OP mice (heterozygous) and control mice before doxycycline withdrawal (week 12). Phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated p65 were detected by western blot to confirm no leakage on NF-kB activation before doxycycline withdrawal. (c) Quantification of western blot by ImageJ. (d) Decreased osteogenesis in MSCs/OPs with constitutive NF-kB activation. MSCs isolated from the iNF-kB/OP or control mice were differentiated in osteogenic media with/without doxycycline (100ng/ml). Bone mineralization was quantified by Alizarin red staining at day 21. ***p<0.005