Figure 6:
Male responses to an odorant panel and their relationship to SSR results (A) Olfactometric bioassay set up. (B) Olfactometer responses of eleven male H. saltator to a panel of 15 general odors. Responses of ants with no antennal movement were considered as non-responding (response score 0). Responses were classified as “1” when ants displayed only antennal movement, “2” when antennal movement was coupled with anterior elevation and body movement less than half a body length, and “3” when ants moved more than half a body length. The inserted bars indicate responses at level 1 to blank controls. Responses above 1 were not observed for blanks. (Fisher’s exact test for comparisons of number of responses to odorant versus blank control with Holm-Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons, N = 11, *: P < 0.05, ns: not significant) (C) Plot of sensillar responses to behavioral responses of male H. saltator when confronted with a panel of 15 general odors. The stronger response of trichoid or coeloconic sensilla is displayed. 1-Hexanol is in the negative y-axis range because it elicited an inhibitory response in the OSNs.