Figure 5. Measurement of serum total IgM and IgG concentrations before and after transplantation.
Serum samples longitudinally collected from patients (n=40) were tested for total IgM and IgG levels as measured by ELISA. (a) Patients undergoing depletion induction followed by belatacept-based immunotherapy demonstrate reduction of IgG but not IgM over 36 months of study. (b) Patients with detectable donor-specific alloantibody (DSA) demonstrated lower IgM levels after transplantation, and higher IgG levels before transplantation when compared with patients without DSA. The box borders indicate 75th and 25th percentile, and the line within box indicates median. Upper and lower whiskers represent 90th and 10th percentiles. The dots represent fifth and 95th percentiles.