Arc/Arg 3.1 KO mice show early impairments in cocaine
IVSA acquisition but normal extinction.
Average nose-pokes (active, large boxes; inactive, small boxes) for WT
versus Arc/Arg3.1 KO mice, during the first 7 days of (A)
acquisition (1.0 mg/kg/inf, cocaine) and (D) extinction (saline with cue light)
(n = 8 WT, 10 KO). Time out responses are excluded. For
acquisition, active nose-pokes equal reinforcers earned. As animals met
criteria, they were moved to the next phase. Percent of animals remaining in
each group over (B) acquisition and (E) extinction sessions were not different.
Statistical comparisons of active and inactive nose-pokes were made between
groups using each animal’s first and last sessions for (C) acquisition
and (F) extinction. *p < .05; except for (B,E), data
shown are mean ± S.E.M.