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. 2020 May 6;10(5):52. doi: 10.1038/s41408-020-0319-0

Table 3.

Comparison of baseline features among patients with plasma cell dyscrasias who would be considered MGUS if no baseline bone marrow or advanced imaging.

Variable MM without CRAB/FLC (n = 29) MGUS-like SMM (n = 314) MGUS with BM (n = 1024) p value
Age, median (IQR) 61 (54–69) 66 (57–72) 66 (57–74) 0.12
Male, % 45 61 61 0.21
Isotype: IgG/IgA/LC/other, % 59/21/21/0 71/19/5/6 66/10/7/17 <0.0001
Serum M-spike, g/dL, median (IQR) 0.8 (0–1.8) 1.6 (0.9–2.2) 0.4 (0–0.9) <0.0001
M-spike category, n (%) <0.0001
≤1 g/dL 16 (57) 92 (29) 767 (79)
1 < g/dL ≤ 2 8 (29) 122 (39) 170 (18)
>2 g/dL 4 (14) 100 (32) 30 (3)
Missing 1 0 57
Light chain type 0.82
Kappa 17 (59) 187 (60) 587 (59)
Lambda 11 (38) 121 (39) 402 (40)
Nil 1 (3) 4 (1) 14 (1)
Involved sFLC level, median (IQR), g/dL 13.5 (3.5–47.8) 7.9 (2.9–22.7) 2.9 (1.8–6.0) <0.0001
sFLC ratio, median (IQR) 17.9 (3.7–71.0) 6.9 (2.4–28.7) 1.7 (1.1–3.6) <0.0001
SFLC ratio > 20, n (%) 12 (52) 78 (32) 41 (7) <0.0001
Missing 4 67 444
BMPCs, median % (IQR) 20 (13–60) 16 (11–25) 3 (2–5)
Albumin, g/dL, median (IQR) 3.6 (3.2–3.8) 3.5 (3.2–3.7) 3.4 (3.0–3.7) 0.0002
Beta-2 microglobulin, μg/mL, median (IQR) 2.2 (1.8–3.2) 2.6 (2.0–3.5) 2.6 (1.9–4.0) 0.2
Hemoglobin, g/dL, median (IQR) 13.7 (12.8–14.5) 12.5 (11.2–13.6) 12.4 (10.6–13.8) 0.0004
Creatinine, mg/dL, median (IQR) 0.8 (0.7–1.0) 1 (0.9–1.2) 1.1 (0.9–1.3) <0.0001
Calcium, mg/dL, median (IQR) 9.4 (9.1–9.6) 9.4 (9.1–9.8) 9.5 (9.1–9.8) 0.6
Mayo risk stratification for SMM, n 23 248 552
Low, % 39 43 90
Intermediate, % 17 31 9
High, % 44 26 1
Mayo risk stratification for SMM (sans BM), n 23 248 552 <0.0001
M-spike ≤ 2 and FLC ≤ 20, % 43 51 90
M-spike ≤ 2 or FLC ≤ 20, % 43 36 9
M-spike > 2 and FLC > 20, % 14 13 1
Mayo risk stratification for MGUS, n 24 248 563 <0.0001
Low, % 0 9 38
Low-intermediate % 46 30 37
Intermediate % 50 55 23
High % 4 6 2

MGUS monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, sFLC serum-free light chain, BMPCs bone marrow plasma cells, SMM smoldering multiple myeloma, IQR interquartile range, BM bone marrow, w/o without.