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. 2020 Mar 14;18(1):149–162. doi: 10.1007/s40201-020-00448-1

Table 5.

Physical and chemical attributes of Rhodic Ferralsol

P OM pH CaCl2 H + Al Al3+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ SB CEC V Al
mg dm−3 g dm−3 0,01 mol L−1 ----------------------------- cmolc dm−3 ----------------------------- --------------%--------------
18.03 17.08 5.50 3.36 0.05 0.63 3.94 1.52 6.09 9.45 64.46 0.81
Cu Zn Mn Fe Cd Pb Cr Clay Silt Sand
------------------------------------- mg dm−3 ------------------------------------- ------------------------- g kg−1-------------------------
11.60 4.60 116.00 33.50 <LQ 26.00 <LQ 477 314 209

P: Phosphorous (Mehlich-1); OM: Organic Matter (Walkley-Black); CEC: Cations-Exchange-Capacity; V: Base saturation; Al: aluminum saturation; LQ: limit of quantification.