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. 2020 May 6;3(5):e204192. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.4192

Table 1. Model Inputs and Parameter Estimates.

Parametera Value (range) Source
Viremic HCV rate, % 77.0 Seeff,28 2002
Disease progression rate, %
Acute HCV to spontaneous clearance 23.0 (15.0-45.0) Seeff et al,30 2001
Acute HCV to F0 77.0 Kwon et al,21 2019; Harris et al,31 2014
F0 to F1 (4.4-21.8) Kwon et al,21 2019; Harris et al,31 2014
F1 to F2 (3.4-14.3) Kwon et al,21 2019; Harris et al,31 2014
F2 to F3 (4.5-22.4) Kwon et al,21 2019; Harris et al,31 2014
F3 to F4 (4.7-20.0) Kwon et al,21 2019; Harris et al,31 2014
F3 to HCC 0.2 Kwon et al,21 2019; Bernfort et al,32 2006
F4 to DC 3.0 Kwon et al,21 2019; Bernfort et al,32 2006
F4 to HCC 3.6 Kwon et al,21 2019; Bernfort et al,32 2006
DC to liver-associated death 20.0 Kwon et al,21 2019; Bernfort et al,32 2006; Ries et al,33 2007
HCC to liver-associated death
First year 70.7 Kwon et al,21 2019; Bernfort et al,32 2006; Ries et al,33 2007
Subsequent years 16.2 Kwon et al,21 2019; Bernfort et al,32 2006; Ries et al,33 2007
Reduction in progression rate from F3 or F4 to HCC among cured individuals 77.0 Kwon et al,21 2019; Morgan et al,34 2013
Reduction in progression rate from F4 to DC among cured individuals 76.0 Kwon et al,21 2019; DiMarco et al,35 2016; Nahon et al,36 2017
Reduction in liver-associated mortality among cured individuals with DC and HCC 50.0 Kwon et al,21 2019
Background death rate 1.8 Kwon et al,21 2019; Human Mortality Database37
Standard mortality ratio
Injection drug use 10.0 (9.5-29.9) Frischer et al,38 1997; Engstrom et al,39 1991; Oppenheimer et al,40 1994; Hickman et al,41 2003; Bjornaas et al,42 2008; Perucci et al,43 1991
Transfusion 2.1 (1.3-17.6) Kamper-Jorgensen et al,44 2008

Abbreviations: DC, decompensated cirrhosis; F0, stage 0 fibrosis (no fibrosis); F1, stage 1 fibrosis (portal fibrosis without septa); F2, stage 2 fibrosis (portal fibrosis with few septa); F3, stage 3 fibrosis (portal fibrosis with numerous septa but without cirrhosis); F4, stage 4 fibrosis (cirrhosis); HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HCV, hepatitis C virus; SVR, sustained virologic response.


Additional input parameters (population size and age distribution, HCV prevalence, new viremic HCV diagnoses, new infections, number treated, and SVR rates) are presented in detail in eTables 1-3, 5, and 7 in the Supplement.