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. 2018 Apr 24;4:14. doi: 10.18332/tpc/89624

Table 1.

Verbatim responses to open-ended questions

Question Quotation
Do you feel that you have enough knowledge of hookah smoking to make effective policy? If not, what facts would be the most helpful? No—please provide.
No—background information.
No—it's really not discussed and I have minimal knowledge of it. I would like to [know] nicotine content and cancer risk.
I do not have enough knowledge and would appreciate knowing answers to above questions.
I do not know what it is—Hookah smoking 101 would be helpful.
Comparison information to cigarettes.
Very unfamiliar—didn't know their use is even statistically significant.
No. Very unfamiliar with hookah smoking.
No. Information regarding general usage and effects would be helpful.
No. Any empirical data validated by legitimate scientific research.
Basic facts.
Probably not—% of use, % of use among minors.
Do you feel that you have enough knowledge of electronic cigarettes to make effective policy? If not, what facts would be the most helpful? Yes—please provide more.
Some—background information and facts.
Not enough information. Any and all information useful.
Chemical makeup of ‘vapor’ emitted (actually not vapor in my mind).
Comparison information to cigarettes.
I know a lot more about e-cigarettes although I am not an expert.
Yes. More information—not necessarily more research.
No. Any empirical data validated by legitimate scientific research.
Basic facts.
What do you think is the greatest barrier to regulation (e.g. particular interest groups or individuals, logistic challenges) of hookah smoking? Lack of knowledge—facts.
Not enough knowledge of hookah smoking to reply.
Particular interest groups. Lack of information on health risks.
No idea.
Lack of knowledge of hookah use. Would probably be easier to regulate [because] of cultural implications (e.g. often seen as done by foreign populations, and hence, ‘un-American’).
Information on how they work—how much they are use—and their certified health effects.
Middle Eastern Culture would be opposed.
Interest groups and individuals.
Lack of information regarding hookah smoking.
What do you think is the greatest barrier to regulation (e.g. particular interest groups or individuals, logistic challenges) of e-cigarettes? See above [Lack of knowledge—facts].
Distain [sic] for any governmental regulation.
Efforts not well organized.
Particular interest groups. Lack of information on health risks.
Constituents who claim they use e-cigarettes as a tool for smoking cessation.
Interest groups wield tremendous influence, prevent movement of legislation.
Not necessary.
Privately owned smoke shops.
Interest groups and individuals.
See above [Lack of information].
An advocate.
Still very new, from a policy perspective.
Do you have any additional comments? Thank you!
Not certain we need to over-regulate these issues.