A) Cultures of wild-type, Δ
ponA, and Δ
cofA strains harboring the indicated mScar fusion under theophylline-inducible control were grown and plated as in
Figure 3. The concentration of agar supplements was 0.2 μg/mL ampicillin and 0.3 mM theophylline as indicated. (
B) Cultures of Δ
ponA strains harboring the indicated mScar-PBP1a fusion under theophylline-inducible control were grown and plated as in
Figure 3. The concentration of agar supplements was 0.3 μg/mL ampicillin and 0.3 mM theophylline as indicated. (
C) Shown are mScarlet fluorescence (upper) and phase contrast (lower) micrographs of cells expressing the indicated mScar-PBP1a fusions. mScar-PBP1a derivatives analyzed were mScar-PBP1a(E97A), mScar-PBP1a(S393A), and mScar-PBP1a(E97A,S393A), which are inactivated for the GTase, TPase, or both active sites, respectively. Cells were imaged on CGX2 with supplements agarose pads. Bar equals 3 µm. (
D) Demographs reflecting protein localization throughout the indicated population of cells for each of the indicated strains. Heatmaps of fluorescence intensity across each cell analyzed were arranged according to cell length and stacked to generate the demograph. A custom-written MATLAB script was used to orient the cells such that the cell pole with the higher fluorescence was located on the right of the demograph.