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. 2020 May 5;86(10):e02662-19. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02662-19


Influence of temperature of rearing water on lengtha

Parameter Estimate SE t value P value (>t)
Intercept 7.141 3.587 1.991 0.05105
GWp −0.022 0.381 −0.057 0.95469
S 0.451 0.738 0.611 0.54326
Sp 0.575 0.826 0.696 0.48883
1 wk after active feeding 7.677 0.833 9.212 4.35E−13*
2 wk after active feeding 15.965 0.800 19.952 <2.00E−16*
Temp 0.857 0.269 3.186 0.00229*
GWp × 1 wk after active feeding 0.315 0.538 0.585 0.56097
S × 1 wk after active feeding 0.008 0.628 0.012 0.99014
Sp × 1 wk after active feeding −0.336 0.672 −0.5 0.61903
GWp × 2 wk after active feeding −0.752 0.538 −1.396 0.16777
S × 2 wk after active feeding 0.146 0.538 0.271 0.78756
Sp × 2 wk after active feeding NA NA NA NA

Analysis of covariance indicated that the temperature of the rearing water significantly influenced the length. The residual standard error was 0.659 on 60 degrees of freedom, the multiple R2 value was 0.994; the adjusted R2 value was 0.993, the F statistic was 864.3 on 11 and 60 degrees of freedom; and the P value for temperature was 0.00229. NA, not applicable. *, parameter with a significant P value.