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. 2020 May 5;86(10):e02662-19. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02662-19


Variability of fish gut microbial communities across treatment and ontogenetic stagesa

Parameter No. of df Sum-of-square value Mean square value F model R2 P value (>F)
Stage 2 1.907 0.954 2.077 0.059 <0.001*
Treatment 3 1.471 0.490 1.068 0.045 0.120
Stage × treatment 6 2.863 0.477 1.039 0.088 0.170
Residuals 57 26.173 0.459 0.807
Total 68 32.414 1.000

The variability of the fish gut microbial communities across treatment and ontogenetic stages was analyzed by PERMANOVA. The results revealed that the ontogenetic stages significantly influenced the gut microbial community composition for at least one sample (PERMANOVA pseudo-F value = 2.077, R2 = 0.059, P < 0.001, number of permutations = 1,000). *, parameter with a significant P value.