Table 3.
Themes and Sub-Themes, Definition, and Supportive Quotes for the Problems faced by Retinoblastoma Survivors
S. No. | Themes and Sub-Themes | Definition of Theme/Sub-Theme (n)* | Supporting Quotes |
Physical Problems (N = 205, 50.7%) | |||
1. | Vision-related | Problems specific to sight as noted below (103) | |
1a. | Sight difficulties | General difficulties with vision (77) | “I also have difficulty seeing.” (ID #50001620) “I don’t have vision in both eyes” (ID #50003700) |
1b. | Lack of depth perception | Lack of visual ability to perceive the world in three dimensions and the distance of an object (22) | “No depth perception…” (ID #50003160) “Don’t have depth perception.” (ID #50003420) |
1c. | Limited peripheral vision | Limited ability for side vision, that occurs outside the very center of gaze (13) | “…peripheral vision is limited” (ID #50000360) “…loss of peripheral vision on right side of head” (ID #5002290) |
2. | Limited options | Limited options in various areas as noted below (78) | |
2a. | Driving/transportation | Driving limitations, mobility issues, and reliance on others for transportation (32) | “Transportation is always an issue.” (ID #50002600) “Cannot drive so immobility and needing other to get me places is always a draw back.” (ID #50003380) |
2b. | Sports | Limited opportunities to play sports (28) | “Limited in playing certain sports…” (ID (#50002720) “I can’t play certain sports” (ID #50002890) |
2c. | Career | Limited career opportunities (28) | “Limited jobs: military, law enforcement…” (ID #50002720) “I couldn’t be a pilot/an astronaut…” (ID #50007430) |
2d. | Activities | Limited options to participate in activities such as reading, water skiing, going out, shopping, etc (23) | “Avoided certain activities for safety reasons…” (ID #50000660) “I can’t go out at night without help from other people.” (ID #50003580) |
3. | Prosthetics-related | Struggles related to having prosthetics in various areas noted below (33) | |
3a. | Daily care and maintenance | Daily care and regular maintenance of prosthesis (20) | “But with the prosthesis, it took me a long time to be able to pull it out and clean it by myself…” (ID #50006720) |
3b. | Lack of movement | Lack of movement in prosthetic eye (8) | “…limited movement with prosthesis…” (ID #50006210) |
3c. | Discharge | Tears or discharge from the prosthetic eye (8) | “…also the discharge is bothersome” (ID #50002700) “My eyes are teary and that bothers me.” (ID #50003610) |
3d. | Dryness | Dryness in the eye (3) | “Sometimes, the eye is dry and blinking is difficult…” (ID #50002150) |
4. | Appearance | Struggles with appearance – difficulty putting make-up, altered appearance, etc. [Note: patient did not mention self-consciousness or confidence issues…just noted appearance to be an issue] (25) | “…trying to put makeup on was difficult…” (ID #50000020) “…changed the appearance of face…” (ID #50006560) |
5. | General struggles (no specific description | General struggles with one eye/no eye, but no specific struggles identified (20) | “It has affected every aspect of my life.” (ID #50000020) “Effects, has effected, and continues to effect my life in almost every aspect.” (ID #50003760) |
6. | Pain and irritation | Pain in the eye/eye socket (11) | “…severe amounts of pain.” (ID #50001110) “…socket pain…” (ID #50003160) |
7. | Clumsiness | Bumping into things or people; general clumsiness (7) | “I run into doorways fairly often” (ID #50003750) “…clumsy, bumping into things” (ID #50009140) |
Intrapersonal Problems (N = 77, 19.1%) | |||
1. | Increased insecurities | Struggles related to increased consciousness, loss of self-esteem, and increased self-doubt (64) | |
1a. | Self-conscious of appearance | Uncomfortable, embarrassed, or awkward with oneself (51) | “Very self-conscious of appearance” (ID #50000200) “Self-conscious as a young adult and child” (ID #50000360) |
1b. | Loss of self-esteem/self-confidence | Lack of confidence in one’s abilities or one’s worth (15) | “Loss of self-confidence, both as a child and as an adult” (ID #50000260) “Shaken self-confidence sometimes” (ID #50001620) |
1c. | Changed personality | Shy or introverted personality because of the loss of eye (6) | “Made me reserved…” (ID #50006010) “Shy and introvert” (ID #50006720) |
2. | Regular/reoccurring thought processes | Struggles related to regular and reoccurring thoughts about general uncertainties in life, unable to imagine life with one or both eyes, and increased awareness of a loss (19) | |
2a. | Increased awareness of loss | Heightened awareness of a loss, which may/may not compound with extra caution in daily life (8) | “…awareness of concept of illness/loss at an early age” (ID #50007470) “Constantly needing to remind oneself about the difference in 2 eyes” (ID #50007810) |
2b. | Inability to imagine a different life | Inability to imagine a life where one or both eyes were functioning properly (7) | “Not knowing life with 2 eyes” (ID #50004160) “Can't tell you what it is like to have two seeing eye” (ID #50004840) |
2c. | General effects | General effects on daily thought processes (4) | “…mentally” (ID #50001920) “Affected daily thought process” (ID #50004470) |
Social and Relational Problems (N = 98, 24.3%) | |||
1. | Negative impact | Limited or negative impact on social interactions/relationships (42) | |
1a. | General social interactions | Eye problems have negatively impacted patient’s interactions and communication with others (21) | “affects daily interaction with others, always have to think about which side of people to sit on at a table/meal/meeting…” (ID #50003750) |
1b. | Uncomfortable when talking to others | Eye problems made patient self-conscious and uncomfortable in social settings (13) | “because you can't focus, you try to look at people but you think they’re looking at your eyes…” (ID #50005990) “people don't think that I'm looking at them when I really am” (ID #50000880) |
1c. | Limited opportunities with dating/finding a partner/maintaining romantic relationships | Impacted opportunities with dating, finding a partner, or maintaining romantic relationships (12) | “impacted opportunities with dating” (ID #50000700) “my inability to find a life partner (a wife)” (ID #50003760) |
1d. | Increased parental protectiveness | Parents became over-protective (3) | “my parents' protectiveness of me…” (ID #50004510) “it affected the way I was raised (over protected)” (ID #50007750) |
1e. | Limited parenting opportunities | Impacted one’s ability to care for their children/other children in the family (3) | “Family- limited the amount of children due to Retinoblastoma possibilities” (ID #50003380) |
2. | Negative reactions from people | Getting negative response during interactions with people (37) | |
2a. | People stare | Getting stared at by people (17) | “People have always stared at me, especially children.” (ID #50004010) “As an adolescent I recall often being stared at.” (ID #50001630) |
2b. | People form negative judgment about the patient | People form negative opinion about the patient, and get annoyed or scared (11) | “People are prejudiced towards me at some times.” (ID #50001970) “People get afraid when a person with one eye sees them differently” (ID #50000110) |
2c. | Differential treatment by people | People treat patient differently (in both good and bad ways) because of eye problems (8) | “A person is judged by their symmetry/appearance. This affects how I am treated by others.” (ID #50001620) “Has also affected how people treat me in both good and bad ways.” (ID #50004470) |
2d. | Too much questioning from people | Constant questioning from people about patient’s eyes (5) | “People (esp. children) expect and explanation for why my eyes are different…” (ID #50009970) “As an adult, some adults are rude and ask if you are looking at them or ask what is wrong with your eye? Insensitive” (ID #50001920) |
3. | Teased/bullied in school | Getting teased, bullied, made fun of, and called names (more as a child) (32) | “I was teased as a child at times.” (ID #50001820) “Growing up with only one eye meant a lot of teasing and name calling for other kid” (ID #50002520) |
4. | Positive impact on personal relationships | Patient reported having good luck and good bonding in relationships (3) | “Other than that, I can't say that I've had any less luck in my relationships” (ID #50002600) “I have older brothers and sisters and I played a lot with them even though they were older” (ID #50002990) |
Affective Description of the Problem (N = 34, 8.4%) | |||
1. | Positive affect | Emotional state that expresses favorable feelings or experience (32) | |
1a. | Acceptance | Patient has come to terms with their condition (22) | “improved acceptance as an adult” (ID #50001630) “not much of an issue, it’s a way of life” (ID #50000640) |
1b. | Grateful | Patient is thankful for life and in some instances, vision (10) | “I'm fortunate and have had a great life” (ID #50002600) “I feel "lucky" to have a normal life and vision.” (50001750) |
1c. | Empathy | Made patient more empathic (3) | “Increased sensitivity to others-especially people diagnosed with cancer” (ID #50004160) “I became an empathetic person” (ID #50006360) |
2. | Negative affect | Emotional state that expresses unfavorable feelings or experience (25) | |
2a. | Worry | Feelings of anxiety or uneasiness regarding appearance, acceptance, losing friends, etc. (8) | “I'm always worried how my prosthesis will look in photos” (ID #50002660) “worry a lot more about things, worry about being accepted by people.” (ID #50006690) |
2b. | Sadness | Feelings of sadness, grief, depression (5) | “periods of depression” (ID #50004670) “…upset feelings about this has been at least part of the cause of my depression” (ID #50006630) |
2c. | Fear | Distress due to feelings of getting good eye injured, losing eyesight completely, or cancer reoccurring (4) | “…fears associated with receiving an injury to my good eye or losing my eye sight” (ID #50002720) “worry about losing other eye” (ID #50003750) |
2d. | Annoyance/frustration | Irritation with the condition of the eye and problems associated with it (4) | “it's annoying and frustrating…” (ID #50005060) “minor annoyance with prosthetics and care” (ID #50003890) |
2e. | Disgruntled | Being bothered and dissatisfied, usually, pertaining to appearance issues (4) | “Radiation stunted growth of nose so that does bother me” (ID #50004140) |
3. | General affect | General effect on patient’s life (without specifying a negative or positive affect) (4) | “it’s affected how she has had to choose how to plan her life” (ID #50009490) “everyday life is affected by what you see” (ID #50006320) |
(n) is for the number of participants whose response fit the theme/sub-theme.
NOTE: Themes and sub-themes are not mutually exclusive.