Propylene glycol alginate sodium sulphate up‐regulates MMP‐2 and down‐regulates TIMP‐1 in hepatic fibrosis. A, Western blots of MMP‐2 and TIMP‐1. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 8). In BDL experiment, @
P < .05 for BDL vs sham, #
P < .05 for BDL + PSS (12.5) vs BDL. &
P < .05 for BDL + PSS (25) vs BDL, *P < .05 for BDL + PSS (50) vs BDL. In CCl4 experiment, @
P < .05 for CCl4 vs oil, #
P (except the serum level of AST in CCl4 experiment) < .05 for CCl4 + PSS (12.5) vs CCl4. &
P < .05 for CCl4 + PSS (25) vs CCl4, *P < .05 for CCl4 + PSS (50) vs CCl4. B, IHC staining of MMP‐2 and TIMP‐1 in liver tissues. C, The mRNA expression of MMP‐2 and TIMP‐1. Data of (B) and (C) were presented as means ± SD (n = 8). @
P < .05 for BDL vs sham group, #
P < .05 for BDL + PSS vs BDL group, &
P < .05 for CCl4 vs oil group, *P < .05 for CCl4 + PSS vs CCl4 group