Fig. 3.
Therapeutic inhibition of NRAD1 reduces breast tumor growth and the remaining tumor cells have limited mammosphere formation potential and reduced Aldefluor activity. a–c Resulting tumor volumes of NOD/SCID mice orthotopically implanted with SUM149 cells (a, n = 6), MDA-MB-468 (b, n = 6) or 2 mm3 PDX 7482 tumor pieces (c, n = 13) in their mammary fat pads and once palpable tumors developed, treated with either negative control GapmeR or NRAD1-specific GapmeR#4. Arrows indicate when GapmeR treatment occurred. Tumor volume significance was modelled using exponential regression. d–g Analysis of post-treatment PDX 7482 tumors. Single-cell suspensions of the harvested tumors were generated and red blood cell lysed, and debris and mouse cells eliminated for FACS analysis. d The average number of dead 7-ADD positive cells (representative dot plots, left). e, f Of the live the cells (7-AAD negative), the average percentage of Aldefluorhigh cells was determined (e, representative dot plots). g An equal number of live cells seeded for mammopshere formation. Significance was determined using student’s t-test. Error bars represent standard error