Fig. 2.
Morphological abnormalities in Rsp of Satb2 CKO mice. Satb2 immunoreactivity is observed in the cerebral cortex with high levels and hippocampal CA1 with low levels in control mice at P4 (a), but is absent in Satb2 CKO mice (b). c Western blots of Satb2 using cortical lysates from control and Satb2 CKO mice at P4. d, e No obvious differences in the Rsp, SubC, and hippocampus between control and Satb2 CKO mice at P0. The boundary between the Rsp and SubC (upward arrowheads) is clearly visible in P4 and P7 control mice (f, h) but absent in the CKO mice (g, i). Note that densely packed cells (arrows) are ectopically present in the ventral SubC, which joins the CA1 pyramidal cell layer in Satb2 CKO mice (g, i). Downward arrowheads indicate the boundary between the SubC and CA1 in both genotypes. DG dentate gyrus; Ncx neocortex. n = 3 mice for each stage of genotypes. Scale bar = 500 μm in a and b and 200 μm in d–i