Fig. 4.
Interaction among EMC subunits. a S2 cells were transiently transfected with emc3-RFP, emc5-mCherry, or emc6-GFP, or co-transfected with emc3-RFP/emc6-GFP, emc5-mCherry/emc6-GFP, emc6-GFP/RFP-rab7. EMC6 puncta are indicated by arrows. Scale bar is 5 μm. b Flowchart of Tandem Mass Tags Labeling coupled with LC-MS/MS for the comparative analysis of protein levels in retina of emc2 (GMR-Gal4/UAS-emc2ARNAi), emc4 (GMR-Gal4/UAS-emc4RNAi), emc5 (GMR-Gal4/UAS-emc5RNAi), and emc7 (FRT42D emc71) mutant flies, as well as wild-type (GMR-gal4) flies. c Venn diagrams showing the overlap of proteins that were downregulated > 50% among the four analyzed genotypes: emc2, emc4, emc5, and emc7