Fig. 7.
Retinal degeneration and RHO mislocalization in Emc3 inducible KO mice. a Paraffin sections of mice retinas 11 days after induction (P31). Sections were stained with H&E, and quantification of outer nuclear layer is shown on the left. Scale bar is 50 μm. H&E staining of paraffin sections and quantification of outer nuclear layer (ONL) nuclei revealed that the mutant ONL was reduced by ~50% compared to controls 11 days after induction. On top is an illustration of the whole mouse retina. b Immunofluorescence labeling of retina cryosections for control (WT) and mutant (KO) littermates at P31. Sections were labeled using antibodies against RHO (green) and DAPI (blue). NaK ATPase antibodies were used to label the inner segment. RHO was mislocalized to the inner segment and cell bodies in KO retinas (arrows). Scale bar is 25 μm