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. 2020 May 8;2020(5):CD012419. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012419.pub2
2. ((old or older or aged or senior) adj2 (person? or people or adult? or men or women or patient* or consumer* or carer* or caregiver* or care giver*)).ti,ab,id.
3. (late life or ag?ing or old age or seniors).ti,ab,hw,id.
4. (elder* or geriatric* or gerontolog* or geropsych* or veteran*).mp.
5. ("380" or "390").ag.
6. or/1‐5
7. exp drugs/
8. exp pharmacology/
9. (medication* or medicine? or medicament* or pharmac* or drug? or polypharmac*).ti,ab,hw,id.
10. exp drug therapy/
11. or/7‐10
12. 6 and 11
13. primary health care/
14. (primary adj2 (care or healthcare)).ti,ab,id.
15. exp outpatient treatment/
16. ambulatory.ti,ab,id.
17. family medicine/
18. general practitioners/
19. gp?.ti,ab,id.
20. family physicians/
21. ((general or family) adj practi*).ti,ab,id.
22. home care/
23. exp community services/
24. long term care/
25. aftercare/
26. exp facility discharge/
27. ((patient or hospital) adj3 discharge).ti,ab,hw,id.
28. "continuum of care"/
29. (community or home* or domicil* or outreach or out‐reach or postdischarge or post‐discharge or postacute or post‐acute or discharge plan* or aftercare or after care).ti,ab,hw,id.
30. or/13‐29
31. 12 and 30
32. client education/
33. ((educat* or instruct* or advis* or advice* or counsel* or teach* or train* or coach* or learn*) and (patient* or client* or consumer* or user* or carer* or caregiver* or care giver*)).mp.
34. exp counseling/
35. information services/
36. information/
37. (inform* adj5 (patient* or client* or consumer* or user* or carer* or caregiver* or care giver*)).ti,ab,id.
38. (reminder? or reminder system*).ti,ab,id.
39. warning labels/
40. "prescribing (drugs)"/
41. ((patient* or client* or consumer* or user* or subject? or carer* or caregiver* or care giver*) and (manag* adj5 (medication* or medicines))).ti,ab,hw,id.
42. pharmac* care.ti,ab,id.
43. or/32‐42
44. treatment compliance/
45. ((medication or treatment) adj (complian* or adheren* or noncomplian* or nonadheren*)).ti,ab,id.
46. self efficacy/
47. ((patient* or client* or consumer* or user* or subject? or carer* or caregiver* or care giver*) and (competen* or confident or confidence or abilit* or capacit* or skill* or self‐efficacy or cope? or coping or complian* or noncomplian* or adher* or nonadher* or underadheren* or concordan* or nonconcordan* or persisten* or nonpersist*)).ti,ab,hw,id.
48. ((patient* or client* or consumer* or user* or subject? or carer* or caregiver* or care giver*) and (error* or mistak* or misus* or mismanag*)).ti,ab,hw,id.
49. drug self‐administration/
50. or/44‐49
51. 31 and (43 or 50)
52. random*.ti,ab,hw,id.
53. trial*.ti,ab,hw,id.
54. controlled stud*.ti,ab,hw,id.
55. placebo*.ti,ab,hw,id.
56. ((singl* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) and (blind* or mask*)).ti,ab,hw,id.
57. (cross over or crossover or factorial* or latin square).ti,ab,hw,id.
58. (assign* or allocat* or volunteer*).ti,ab,hw,id.
59. treatment effectiveness evaluation/
60. mental health program evaluation/
61. exp experimental design/
62. "2100".md.
63. or/52‐62
64. 51 and 63