Changes in (A) body weight, (B) serum cholesterol, (C) hepatic Dio1 mRNA levels, (D and E) central nervous system Dio2 mRNA levels, (F and G) Hr mRNA levels, and (H) heart Myh7 mRNA levels in all animals studied on Figure 3. Initial body weights were: control, 523 ± 19 g; hypothyroid, 328 ± 13 g; hypothyroid + LT3, 310 ± 12 g; and hypothyroid + PZL, 303 ± 22 g. Animals were killed on the morning of day 9, and tissue samples were prepared for the indicated measurements. There were four animals in each group. Values are the mean ± SD or a box and whiskers format. Gene abbreviations are as shown in Table 2. Analysis of variance followed by the Newman–Keuls test was used for all comparisons. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. Color images available online at