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. 2020 Apr 15;2(2):otaa023. doi: 10.1093/crocol/otaa023


Demographics and Clinical Characteristics Among RCT Participants and Non-RCT Participants Enrolled in IBD Partners

RCT Participants Non-RCT Participants P
Total patients, n (%) 1119 (7.6%) 13,628 (92.4%)
Female (%) 71.1% 71.9% 0.575
Disease classification (% CDa) 72.9% 63.5% <0.001
Ageb, mean (SD) 45.5 (14.1) 42.2 (14.8) <0.001
 18–35 27.7% 39.2%
 36–74 70.7% 59.6%
 75+ 1.3% 1.1%
Race (%) 0.647
 Black/African American 1.9% 2.3%
 White/Caucasian 89.4% 88.7%
 Other/missing 8.8% 9.0%
Hispanic/Latino ethnicity (%) 2.3% 3.1% 0.143
College education (%)c 89.7% 88.6% 0.037
University/academic practice (%) 22.7% 14.5% <0.001
Medical history
 Total hospitalizations, mean (SD) 4.3 (2.1) 3.3 (1.9) <0.001
 IBD-related hospitalization (%) 81.3% 63.0% <0.001
 IBD-related surgery (%) 58.6% 35.9% <0.001
IBD medication history
 Steroid exposure (%) 97.2% 90.1% <0.001
 5-ASA exposure (%) 96.1% 89.4% <0.001
 Anti-TNF exposure (%) 75.3% 49.5% <0.001
 Vedolizumab exposure (%) 36.6% 7.6% <0.001
 Ustekinumab exposure (%) 25.6% 5.8% <0.001
 Natalizumab exposure (%) 14.0% 0.8% <0.001
“Poor” or worse in Well-Beingd (%) 26.1% 17.4% <0.001
PROMISeT-score, mean (SD)
 Anxiety 54.3 (9.7) 54 (9.7) 0.285
 Depression 52.8 (9.6) 51.9 (9.6) 0.007
 Fatigue 58.1 (10.5) 55.8 (11.0) <0.001
 Pain inteference 55.6 (10.7) 53.7 (10.3) <0.001
 Social satisfaction 46.3 (10.1) 47.9 (9.9) <0.001
Disease activity
 Disease duration (years), mean (SD) 19.7 (12.5) 13.2 (12.11) <0.001
 sCDAI score, mean (SD)f 187.0 (113.9) 153.6 (103.2) <0.001
 SCCAI score, mean (SD)g 4.4 (3.2) 3.8 (3.0) 0.002
 Steroid-free remission (%)h 34.5% 46.4% <0.001

aCD, Crohn’s disease.

bFor RCT participants, age at first participation in a clinical trial; for non-RCT participants, age at first completed survey in IBD Partners.

cDefined as “some college” or more.

dResponse to the General Well-Being questionnaire on IBD Partners.

ePROMIS, Patient-reported outcome measurement information system measured in T-scores, with mean 50 and SD 10 in the general population. Higher scores signal more of the domain measured.

fsCDAI (short Crohn’s Disease Activity Index) assesses abdominal pain, stool patterns, and overall well-being, with increasing values indicating worse disease. Remission is defined by less than 150 points on a scale from 0 to 450.

gSCCAI (Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index) assesses bowel frequency, urgency, hematochezia, general health, and extracolonic manifestations, with increasing values indicating worse disease. Remission is defined by ≤2 points on a scale from 0 to 19.

hDefined as no use of steroids and either sCDAI <150 or SCCAI ≤2.