Figure 3.
Replay. (a) Example recordings of hippocampal neurons with place tuning, as an animal traverses a maze. (b) Upper: example candidate replay events. R-values are the linear weighted correlations between each event and the template generated from maze traversals. Cells are sorted and coloured to match figure 1a. Lower: histogram of weighted correlation values for all candidate replay events. (c) Histogram of correlation values when comparing linear weighted correlations with the rank-order correlation method for all candidate replay events. (d) Upper: histogram of correlation values when comparing linear weighted correlations with the integral of the line of best fit, using the radon transform method, for all candidate replay events. Lower: histogram of correlation values when comparing linear weighted correlations with the slope of the line of best fit, using the radon transform method, for all candidate replay events. (e) Upper: histogram of correlation values when comparing rank order correlations with the integral of the line of best fit, using the radon transform method, for all candidate replay events. Lower: histogram of correlation values when comparing rank-order correlations with the slope of the line of best fit, using the radon transform method, for all candidate replay events. (Online version in colour.)