Extended Data Figure 3. IHC staining of PFKP in tissue microarray cores of lung cancer.
a, Microphotographs showing PFKP IHC immunohistochemistry and their respective image analysis performed in bronchial epithelium (8 cases; 9 cores), tumor stroma (5 cases; 11 cores), non-tumor stroma (5 cases; 7 cores), and malignant cells (6 cases; 14 cores). In non-tumor stroma, red arrows indicate smooth muscle and a black arrow indicates bronchial epithelium. Areas shown as an enlarged image are indicated by black squares. Single cell color outlines indicate Halo-analyzed PFKP expression (0, white; 1+, yellow, 2+, orange, 3+, red). Scale bar, 100 μm. The experiment was performed once. b, Frequency of cells for each PFKP staining classification (0, low to 3, high) analyzed from bronchial epithelium (8 cases; 9 cores), tumor stroma (5 cases; 11 cores), non-tumor stroma (5 cases; 7 cores), and malignant cells (6 cases; 14 cores). Individual dots represent data from a single core. Data are shown as mean ± s.d. c, Distribution score of PFKP staining analyzed from the panel b. The score was calculated for each core by subtracting the lowest frequency value from the highest frequency value. Values close to 100 (blue arrow) suggest a homogeneous (Dirac) distribution of PFKP staining while values close to 0 (red arrow) indicate a completely heterogeneous (uniform) distribution. Data are shown as mean ± s.d.