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. 2020 Apr;8(7):445. doi: 10.21037/atm.2020.03.145

Table 1. Characteristics of COPD patients without active smoking by medium-term SHS exposure.

Characteristic variables Medium-term SHS exposure P value
No Yes
Sample size 209 125
Estimated population (weighted) 3,063,227 1,642,858
Age groups, % 0.15
   40–59 years 34.96 46.73
   ≥60 years 65.04 53.27
Male, % 63.26 62.02 0.88
Ethnicity, % 0.03*
   Non-Hispanic white 86.40 87.20
   Non-Hispanic black 4.20 8.44
   Mexican-American and other 9.40 4.36
Education, % 0.04*
   College or above 70.14 56.89
   High school or below 29.86 43.11
Family income-to-poverty ratio grading, % <0.01*
   High (>3.50) 61.77 38.52
   Middle (>1.30–3.50) 22.42 37.01
   Low (0.00–1.30) 6.33 15.92
   Missing 9.48 8.55
Smoking history, % <0.01*
   Former 53.30 78.30
   Never 46.70 21.70
Self-reported SHS at home, % <0.01*
   Yes 0.57 9.91
   No 98.71 89.84
   Missing 0.72 0.25
GOLD grading, % 0.08
   1 62.84 44.25
   2 23.29 38.00
   3 or 4 5.83 10.38
   Missing 8.04 7.37
Only inhaling bronchodilator   0.03*
   Yes 3.22 14.35
   No 96.78 85.65

Data obtained from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2007–2012), National Center for Health Statistics. , except for age group, gender, and GOLD grading, other non-significant characteristics are listed in Table S3. Because the sample weights led to inconsistencies with the proportions in cells, the patient counts are not shown; , estimated population (weighted) means the population size represented by the sample size; *, statistical significance at the P<0.05 level when comparing between two groups. COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GOLD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; SHS, secondhand smoke.