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. 2020 May 8;10:7793. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-64344-2

Table 1.

Comparison of patient characteristics between diabetes and non-diabetes patients.

Diabetesn = 289 Non-diabetesn = 2576 P-value
Age (y) median ± IQR 57.4 ± 10.0 54.1 ± 8.7 <0.0001
Male sex (%) 159 (55.0%) 1151 (44.7%) 0.0001
Race (%) <0.0001
    White/European Ancestry (EA) 223 (77.2%) 2271 (88.2%)
    Black/African Ancestry (AA) 29 (10.0%) 140 (5.4%)
    Asian 16 (5.5%) 72 (2.8%)
    Other 21 (7.3%) 93 (3.6%)
Hispanic ethnicity (%) 24 (8.3%) 197 (7.6%) 0.74
Family history of CRC 11 (3.8%) 142 (5.5%) 0.27
Median BMI (kg/m2) ± IQR 31.2 ± 9.1 27.3 ± 6.6 <0.0001
Smoking (%) 0.0015
    Current (within a year) 43 (14.9%) 333 (12.9%)
    Quit (at least a year) 105 (36.3%) 710 (27.6%)
    Never 141 (48.8%) 1533 (59.5%)
Aspirin use (%)3 87 (30.1%) 273 (10.6%) <0.0001
Fellow involvement (%) 50 (17.3%) 476 (18.5%) 0.63
Quality of colonoscopic prep 0.0002
    Excellent 47 (16.3%) 604 (23.4%)
    Good 198 (68.5%) 1730 (67.2%)
    Fair 26 (9.0%) 108 (4.2%)
    Undocumented 18 (6.2%) 134 (5.2%)
Insurance (%) <0.0001
    Commercial 167 (57.8%) 1857 (72.1%)
    Medicare 42 (14.5%) 244 (9.5%)
    Medicaid 71 (24.6%) 423 (16.4%)
    Self-pay 9 (3.1%) 52 (2.0%)
Diabetes Type
    Type I 7 (2.4%)
    Type 2 282 (97.6%)
Median FPG (mg/dl) ± IQR1 129 ± 51
Median HbA1c % ± IQR2

7.2 ± 1.5

(55 mmol/mol)

Anti-diabetes medications (%)
    None 30 (10.4%)
    Insulin 59 (20.4%)
    Metformin 190 (65.7%)
    Sulfonylurea 73 (25.3%)
    DPP4 inhibitors 38 (13.1%)
    Thiazolidinedione 10 (3.5%)
    GLP1 agonists 5 (1.7%)
    SGLT-2 inhibitor 3 (1.0%)
    Meglitinides 1 (0.3%)
    Acarbose 0 (0%)

1FPS missing values = 16 (5.5%). 2HbA1c missing values = 143 (49.5%). 3Asprin use missing values = 9.

Significant P-values are bolded.