Fig. 3. SH2 domain interacts with the N-lobe of the KD in the active Btk.
a Scaled MD simulations were performed using a model including the Btk SH2 and KD crystal structures (PDB 6HTF and 1K2P, respectively). The most populated clusters of the SH2 positions (several colors) relative to the KD (white) are shown. The percentages indicate the population of the cluster with respect to the entire simulation time. b Detailed view of the SH2-KD interface of clusters 8, 11 and 15. SH2 residues mutated in XLA are indicated as sticks. c Comparative maximal particle dimension (Dmax) of recombinant Btk proteins and summary of structural paraments (Rg and Dmax ± error) obtained from SAXS. See Supplementary Table 2 for details. d Dimensionless Kratky plot of recombinant Btk proteins. The gray dashed line represents the theoretical peak assuming an ideal Guinier region for a globular particle. Ab initio envelope reconstructions obtained from SAXS (surface representation) superimposed on the crystal structures for Btk KD and SH3-SH2-KD (PDB 1K2P and 4XI2, respectively) are shown on top. For the SH2-KD protein, the structure of an elongated MD model with the best agreement with the experimental SAXS data is shown (model C15 shown in a and b). FL protein shows an extended conformation as observed in a previous SAXS reconstruction (SASDC52). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.