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. 2020 Apr 14;52(4):658–671. doi: 10.1038/s12276-020-0414-0

Table 2.

Clinical characteristics of the included AVM patients.

Patient Sex Age Nidus size Location Flow Hemorrhage Aneurysm Deep venous drainage Other Urinary EphrinB2 (pg/µg)
1 M 12 y 5.2 mm × 7.55 mm × 7.49 mm R subfrontal Slow N Y N Pineal cyst 69.17047568
2 M 6 y 1.78 cm × 1.89 cm × 1.4 cm R cerebellar Slow N N N 3.617056579
3 F 10 y 2.0 cm × 2.29 cm × 2.199 L frontal Moderate N N N 80.24224841
4 M 8 y

7 mm × 4 mm × 6 mm

R-parietooccipital and 4 mm L-occipital

R occipitoparietal Moderate N N N

HHT- pulmonary AVM, R occipitoparietal,

L occipital lobe AVMs; pineal cyst

5 M 17 y 11.8 mm × 10.4 mm × 14.4 mm R frontal Moderate N N N R occipital arachnoid cyst 607.41117
6 M 16 y 13.4 mm × 13.4 mm × 33.6 mm R occipital Fast N N N 274.9936338
7 M 8 y 6.7 mm × 5.5 mm × 18.5 mm R parietal Slow N N N Pseudotumor 35.57083868
8 F 10 y 4.8 mm × 13.7 mm × 6 mm R temporal Slow N N N 13.67116296
9 M 20 y 43 mm × 35 mm × 27 mm R occipital Fast N N Y 19.79345955
10 M 6 y Unknown R cerebellar Moderate N N N Recurrent AVM 26.68017562
11 F 16 y 6.8 cm × 3 cm × 4.8 cm R parietooccipital Fast N N Y 9.668138035
12 M 12 y 2.4 cm × 1.89 cm × 2.5 cm R posterior temporo-occipital Fast N N N Fragile X 126.9329364
13 F 3.5 y 1.5 cm × 1.1 cm × 1.5 cm L frontotemporal Fast N Y N Onyx embolization prior to urine collection 65.03312118
14 F 9 y 2.7 cm × 3.3 cm × 3 cm R occipital Fast N N N 153.1746032
15 M 11 y 1 cm × 6 mm × 7 mm R parietooccipital Moderate Y Y Y 28.64676121
16 M 7 y 2.6 cm × 2.2 cm × 1.8 cm R occipital Slow Y N N 30.125
17 F 13 y 5.7 mm × 4 mm x 5 mm L occipital Slow Y N N DVA 72.08640107
18 F 6 y 2 mm × 1 mm × 27 mm L cerebellar Fast Y N Y 52.14877029
19 F 12 y 9.9 mm × 6.9 mm × 9.2 mm R intraventricular Slow Y N Y 2.890728708
20 F 8 y 9 mm × 7 mm × 4.8 mm L occipital Slow Y N N 27.3550884
21 F 12 y 4.6 mm × 6.7 mm × 4.2 mm L parietal Moderate Y N N 95.65313735
22 F 15 y 18.5 mm × 15.2 mm × 11.1 mm L occipital Moderate Y N N Arachnoid cyst, melanoma of lip 27.76888026
23 M 5 y 2.6 cm × 0.8 cm R choroid plexus Fast Y N Y 34.41276728
24 F 15 y Unknown L occipital Fast Y N Y Multiply recurrent AVMs 122.8041682
25 M 9 y 23.6 mm × 20.8 mm × 19.6 mm L frontal Slow Y N Y 6.434498708
26 M 16 y 7.8 mm × 8.4 mm x 6 mm L temporal Moderate Y Y N 521.7267687
27 F 8 y 2.0 cm × 1.6 cm × 3.4 cm L temporal Slow Y N Y 7.356274413
28 F 8 y 1.4 cm × 1.5 cm × 1.4 cm R cerebellar Fast Y N N 49.78739701
29 F 13 y 1.8 cm × 1.4 cm × 1.1 cm R frontal Moderate N N N Family history of autoimmune disorders, basilar stenosis at AICA 42.2308871
30 M 5 y 1.3 cm × 1.2 cm × 1.0 cm R temporal Moderate Y N N 14.09318124

The following clinically relevant categories were reviewed for each patient included in this study: sex, age, AVM size, location, rate of flow, whether the AVM had hemorrhaged, presence of aneurysm, deep venous drainage, and any associated conditions. Patients with the highest urinary EphrinB2 levels were noted to have high-flow lesions and/or had associated aneurysm or other pathology. Patients with urinary levels that fell below the cutoff (<25 pg/µg) had either slow-flow lesions or lesions with deep venous drainage.