Figure 3.
Baseline model geometry. (a) Generating cross-section shapes for the optic nerve, pia mater, perineural vascular plexus (scleral canal opening), CRV, CRA and inferior arterial canal. (b) Initial lofts through the cross-sections. (c) Final volumes after Boolean operations. Minor differences in colour between (a–c) are due to limitations of the display software. (d) Superior–inferior cut view of the entire model. (e) En face view of tissues with all sections anterior and posterior to the sclera hidden. Red lines indicate where the perineural vascular plexus thickness was held constant. The double-headed arrow indicates the dimension of the perineural vascular plexus (scleral canal opening) that was varied in the sensitivity analysis. Dotted white line indicates approximate outline of the scleral sling. Scale bar is 100 µm. (f) Superior–inferior cut view of the peripapillary region of the model. (g) Final geometries of tissues within the peripapillary region. Tissues shown in g are not precisely to scale. All tissue colours are the same as in figure 2. BM, Bruch's membrane; PNVP, perineural vascular plexus; IAC, inferior arterial canal; CRV, central retinal vein; CRA, central retinal artery.