Figure 6.
Cell differentiations. Magnification: 100x; Scale bar: 100 μm. Adipogenic differentiation: (a) control; (b) presence of large round shaped cells (black arrow) and red stained lipid vacuoles inside the cytoplasm (white arrow); chondrogenic differentiation: (c) control; (d) presence of chondrogenic aggregate and extracellular matrix stained in blue (black arrow); osteogenic differentiation: (e) control; (f) presence of calcium containing osteocytes (black arrow) and extracellular calcium deposits (white arrow) stained in red; neurogenic differentiation: (g) control; (h) 24 h after addition of neurogenic induction medium, the cells acquired a neuroglial-like shape with development of dendrite (black arrow) and axonal-like (white arrow) cell structures (i) 72 h after addition of neurogenic induction medium.