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. 2020 Apr 24:1–6. doi: 10.1080/00325481.2020.1761668

Table 1.

VA clinical algorithm for COVID-19 suspicion and testing/evaluation.

Clinical judgment supersedes this algorithm
1 Major or ≥ 2 minor = test
≥ 2 Major = ED evaluation (the 4th major criterion would by itself deserve ED evaluation)
Major criteria
  •   1. New respiratory distress or new hypoxia <93% on RA (for patients on chronic O2 therapy, new increased O2 requirement to maintain their baseline goal O2 saturation)

  •   2. Fever (≥100.4) with cough or dyspnea

  •   3. New fatigue in immunosuppressed host

  •   4. Cardiovascular decompensation/shock or other evidence of cytokine storm in patient with no ACS or other explanation

Minor criteria
  •   1. Co-morbidities including CHF, COPD, or cardiomyopathy (ischemic or non-ischemic)

  •   2. CXR showing infiltrate or CT showing GGOs not explained by another etiology

  •   3. ≥1 Lab abnormalities of the following:
    •    a. Lymphopenia (ALC <1000)
    •    b. Elevated CRP
    •    c. Newly elevated: ferritin (>700) or fibrinogen (>600)
  •   4. Known exposure to SARS-CoV2

  •   5. ≥2 Lab abnormalities of the following:
    •    a. New abnormalities in liver tests (AST/ALT >60 IU, bilirubin >2 mg/dL)
    •    b. New elevation of: ferritin (>400 but <700) or fibrinogen (>400 but <600)
    •    c. Leukopenia with TLC <4.0 k
    •    d. LDH > 350 or troponin elevation
  •   6. Fever (≥100.4)

  •   7. New onset unexplained anosmia or ageusia

Please note: Other less common clinical features of COVID-19 include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, only rarely seen without other criteria above.