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. 2020 May 11;20:410. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05170-0

Table 1.

The list of individual therapeutic groups with the difference between predicted and actual change in expenditure exceeding SEK 25 M

Therapeutic group Difference between the forecasted yearly change and the actual change (M SEK) Year when the difference occurred Direction of the difference (underestimated or overestimated)
Antiviralsa 164 2014 underestimated
TNF-inhibitorsa 62 2017 overestimated
Oncology: monoclonal antibodies 47 2014 underestimated
Immunosuppressants (excluding TNF-inhibitors) 68 2010 overestimated
Oncology: kinase inhibitors 42 2016 underestimated
Coagulation factors 32 2015 overestimated
Neurolepticsa 29 2012 underestimated
Multiple sclerosis medicinesa 39 2016 overestimated
Perfusion solutions 36 2013 overestimated
Angiotensin receptor blockers 31 2013 overestimated
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 27 2010 overestimated
Anti-dementia drugs 28 2012 underestimated

aAdditional information is presented in Fig. 5