Table 1.
The list of individual therapeutic groups with the difference between predicted and actual change in expenditure exceeding SEK 25 M
Therapeutic group | Difference between the forecasted yearly change and the actual change (M SEK) | Year when the difference occurred | Direction of the difference (underestimated or overestimated) |
Antiviralsa | 164 | 2014 | underestimated |
TNF-inhibitorsa | 62 | 2017 | overestimated |
Oncology: monoclonal antibodies | 47 | 2014 | underestimated |
Immunosuppressants (excluding TNF-inhibitors) | 68 | 2010 | overestimated |
Oncology: kinase inhibitors | 42 | 2016 | underestimated |
Coagulation factors | 32 | 2015 | overestimated |
Neurolepticsa | 29 | 2012 | underestimated |
Multiple sclerosis medicinesa | 39 | 2016 | overestimated |
Perfusion solutions | 36 | 2013 | overestimated |
Angiotensin receptor blockers | 31 | 2013 | overestimated |
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs | 27 | 2010 | overestimated |
Anti-dementia drugs | 28 | 2012 | underestimated |
aAdditional information is presented in Fig. 5