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. 2020 May 11;7:8. doi: 10.1186/s40479-020-00124-8

Table 4.

Multivariate linear regressions modelling parenting stress by mental health variables (N = 284)

Parenting stress domains (PSI-4-SF)
Parenting stress Parenting distress Difficult child Difficult relationship
b SE β t b SE β t b SE β t b SE β t
F(19,283) = 19.76***, R2 = .59 F(19,283) = 21.39***, R2 = .61 F(19,283) = 9.41***, R2 = .40 F(19,283) = 13.29***, R2 = .49
PID-5-BF Personality traits
 Negative affect .95 .46 .13 2.08* .23 .17 .09 1.37 .35 .20 .13 1.70 .37 .20 .13 1.87
 Detachment 1.22 .54 .15 2.24* .70 .20 .23 3.48** .08 .24 .03 .31 .44 .24 .14 1.85
 Antagonism −.28 .55 −.02 −.51 −.38 .21 −.08 −1.84 −.04 .25 −.01 −.14 .13 .24 .03 .55
 Disinhibition −.18 .47 −.02 −.38 .01 .18 .00 .08 −.09 .21 −.03 −.41 −.11 .21 −.03 −.52
 Psychoticism −.14 .45 −.02 −.32 .03 .17 .01 .17 −.07 .20 −.02 −.33 −.10 .20 −.04 −.54
MSI-BPD BPD Features −.27 .59 −.03 −.45 .08 .22 .03 .38 −.12 .26 −.04 −.45 −.23 .26 −.07 −.90
MHI-5 Psychological wellbeing −1.32 .31 −.26 −4.33*** −.77 .11 −.39 −6.74*** −.37 .14 −.20 −2.74** −.18 .13 −.09 −1.38
CTQ-SF Trauma history
 Emotional abuse .10 .33 .02 .314 .08 .12 .05 .68 −.01 .15 −.01 −.07 .03 .14 .02 .22
 Physical abuse −.31 .29 −.06 −1.06 −.02 .11 −.01 −.22 −.21 .13 −.11 −1.58 −.08 .13 −.04 −.63
 Sexual abuse .16 .21 .04 .76 .19 .08 .11 2.42** .01 .10 .00 .07 −.04 .09 −.02 −.39
 Emotional neglect .69 .46 .11 1.49 −.11 .17 −.04 −.64 .54 .21 .22 2.64** .25 .20 .10 1.26
 Physical neglect −.21 .42 −.03 −.49 −.17 .16 −.07 −1.10 −.09 .19 −.04 −.47 .06 .18 .02 .31
RQ Attachment style
 Secure .84 .75 .06 1.13 .35 .28 .07 1.24 .19 .33 .04 .57 .31 .33 .06 .95
 Fearful −.15 .79 −.01 −.19 .23 .29 .04 .78 −.29 .35 −.06 −.84 −.09 .34 −.02 −.25
 Pre-occupied −.77 .67 −.05 −1.15 .28 .25 .05 1.11 −.43 .30 −.08 − 1.45 −.61 .29 −.11 −2.09
 Dismissing 1.04 .68 .07 1.53 .25 .25 .04 .99 .49 .30 .09 1.61 .30 .30 .05 1.02
PFRQ Reflective capacity
 Non-mentalizing 12.18 1.48 .42 8.24*** 2.22 .55 .20 4.04*** 4.46 .66 .41 6.77*** 5.50 .65 .48 8.53***
 Certainty about mental states −3.88 1.09 −.15 −3.55*** −.63 .41 −.06 −1.54 −1.4 .49 −.15 −2.87** −1.85 .48 −.18 −3.88***
 Interest/curiosity in mental states −.19 1.51 −.01 −.13 −.02 .56 −.00 −.04 .51 .68 .04 .76 −.68 .66 −.05 −1.03

Notes. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. b unstandardized regression coefficient, SE standard error of the mean, β standardised regression coefficient, R2 amount of variance accounted for in the dependent variable by each model. PSI-4-SF, Parenting Stress Index 4th Edition – Short Form, PID-5-BD Personality Inventory for DSM-5 – Brief Form, MHI-5 Mental Health Inventory, CTQ-SF Childhood Trauma Questionnaire – Short Form, RQ Relationships Questionnaire, PRFQ Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire