Figure 8.
Ornithine decarboxylase levels are increased in TNBC tumors. A, comparison of mRNA z-scores from 1134 metabolic gene transcripts between 299 TNBC and 1605 non-TNBC patient samples from METABRIC breast cancer dataset. B and C, comparison of ODC1 mRNA z-scores between (B) METABRIC breast cancer patient samples and (C) TCGA provision breast cancer patient samples, separated by TNBC status. D, correlation of ODC1 mRNA z-scores and ODC protein expression CPTAC z-scores in TCGA provision breast cancer patient samples; dashed lines indicate 90% confidence interval. E, ODC1 mRNA z-scores in METABRIC samples grouped by PAM50 subtype. F, average copy number alterations of ODC1 in METABRIC and TCGA provisional breast cancer patient samples scored by type as −1, shallow deletion; 0, diploid; 1, gain; 2, amplification. G, comparison of ODC1 mRNA z-scores between METABRIC breast cancer patient samples separated by TNBC status and grouped by MYC copy number alterations. H, copy number alterations in METABRIC patient samples for antizyme genes, scored as in F. I, mRNA z-scores of antizyme transcripts in METABRIC samples grouped by TNBC status. J, copy number alterations in METABRIC patient samples for antizyme inhibitor gene AZIN1, scored as in F. All error bars represent S.E. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; ****, p < 0.0001 by Welch's t test (A–C and I), one-way ANOVA (E and G), or two-tailed unpaired t test (F, H, and J); linear curve fit, p value, and R2 by linear regression (D).