Table 1.
Data sources and relative risks used in the microsimulation model.
Datasets used in MicroEnv | |||
Data type | Year | Additional info | Reference |
Population | 2015 | Population by single year of age, gender and LSOAa | ONS (2018a) |
Socio-economic deprivation | 2015 | Decile of the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) for each LSOA | DCLG (2015) |
Air pollution | 2014 | Annual averages of PM2.5 at 1 × 1 km grid (mapped to LSOA) | Ricardo Energy and Environment (2017) |
General fertility rates | 2015 | Number of live births per 1000 females aged 15–44 at local authority level. Applied to the LSOA-specific female population each year | ONS (2018b) |
Mortality (all-cause) | 2016 | Period projections by year of age and gender (UK) | ONS (2017) |
IHD mortality, incidence and prevalence | 2016 | By gender and 5-year age bands (UK) | GBD Results Tool (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2019) |
Relative risks used in MicroEnv | ||
Relative risk | Coefficient used | Reference |
IHD incidence | 1.08 per 10 μg/m3 (PM2.5) | Wilkinson et al. (2018) |
IHD case fatality | 1.21 per 10 μg/m3 (PM2.5) | Wilkinson et al. (2018) |
All-cause mortality | 1.06 per 10 μg/m3 (PM2.5) 1.7 between most and least deprived decile (males) 1.5 between most and least deprived decile (females) |
Pope III et al. (2002) ONS (2015) ONS (2015) |
LSOA – Lower Layer Super Output Area.