Figure 5. Median-joining networks of Drosanthemum clades V–IX.
Collapsed Median networks; collapsed network portions (haplotype groups) represented by circles; letters in bold refer to (Liede-Schumann et al., 2019) (file Haplotyping.xlsx; archive includes full networks). Circle size does not show haplotype frequency but gives the maximum number of mutations between grouped haplotypes/ connective medians (a group’s dimension); edge length (minimum) number of mutations between haplotype groups (Grimm, 2019). A–D. Clades V and VI. Note the central (trnS-trnG) or ancestral (rps16-trnQ) position of D. gracillimum (no rpl16 and trn K–rps16 data available). E–H. Clades VII–IX. Note that members of each clade are clearly differentiated but differ in the level of derivation per gene region.