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. 2020 Apr 22;24:19.144. doi: 10.7812/TPP/19.144

Table 2.

Correlation of degree of temporomandibular disorder (TMDs) with age, sex, bruxism, anxiety, and depression

Model 1 Unstandardized coefficientsa Standardized coefficients,a β t p valueb 95% Confidence interval for B
B Standard error Lower bound Upper bound
(Constant) 7.482 1.869 4.003 <0.001 3.754 11.211
Age 0.747 0.357 0.256 2.093 0.040 0.035 1.459
Sex −0.608 1.039 −0.067 −0.585 0.561 −2.680 1.465
Bruxism 2.335 0.927 0.286 2.519 0.014 0.486 4.184
Anxiety 0.086 0.144 0.081 0.595 0.554 −0.202 0.373
Depression −0.116 0.172 −0.094 −0.672 0.504 −0.460 0.228

Dependent variable: TMD Score = 7.482 + 0.747 (Age) − 0.608 (Sex [male 2, female 1]) + 2.335 (Bruxism 1, 0) + 0.086 (Anxiety) − 0.116 (Depression)


Boldface indicates significant.