Fig. 7 |. induction of new myelin formation preserves remote fear memory recall.
a, Experimental paradigm for clemastine injections and contextual fear conditioning. b,c, Representative images of ASPA (green) and MBP (gray) signal in the mPFC of vehicle-treated mice (b) and clemastine-treated mice (c) 30 days post-conditioning. d, Quantification of ASPA+ cell density (left bars) and MBP mean fluorescence (right bars) in the mPFC of vehicle-and clemastine-treated animals, Unpaired two-tailed t-tests comparing vehicle versus clemastine for ASPA+ density (difference: 156.9 ± 43.21; 95% CI: 67.00 to 246.7; t21 = 3.63, P = 0.0016) and MBP fluorescence (difference: 17.10 ± 5.640; 95% CI: 5.370 to 28.83; t21 = 3.032, P = 0.0063), n = 11 vehicle-treated and 12 clemastine-treated mice. e, Individual fear expression over time for vehicle-treated mice and clemastine-treated mice. Two-way ANOVA (F4,108 = 5.884, P = 0.0003) with Sidak’s post hoc tests comparing across treatment groups for conditioning (difference: 0.8941 ± 4.116; 95% CI: −9.860 to 11.65; P = 0.9928), 24 h (difference: −0.8004 ± 4.116; 95% CI: −11.55 to 9.954; 0.9948) and 30 days (difference: −17.49 ± 4.116; 95% CI: −16.00 to −0.3832; P = 0.0002), n = 15 vehicle-treated and 14 clemastine-treated mice. f, Experimental timeline controlling for the duration of clemastine injections, in which the entire injection protocol is completed before initiation of fear conditioning and recent memory recall; n = 10 mice per treatment. g, Individual freezing responses during recent memory recall testing for animals pretreated with clemastine in the experimental timeline shown in f. Two-way ANOVA (F1,18 = 0.0003928, P = 0.9844). h, Experimental paradigm for clemastine injections in Myrf icKO animals. i, Individual fear expression over time for vehicle-treated mice and clemastine-treated Myrf icKO mice. Two-way ANOVA (F4,48 = 1.357, P = 0.2629), n = 6 vehicle-treated and 8 clemastine-treated mice. Scale bars, 100 μm (b,c). Data are presented as the mean ± s.e.m. **P ≤ 0.01, ****P ≤ 0.0001.