a, Experimental paradigm for clemastine injections and contextual fear conditioning. b,c, Representative images of ASPA (green) and MBP (gray) signal in the mPFC of vehicle-treated mice (b) and clemastine-treated mice (c) 30 days post-conditioning. d, Quantification of ASPA+ cell density (left bars) and MBP mean fluorescence (right bars) in the mPFC of vehicle-and clemastine-treated animals, Unpaired two-tailed t-tests comparing vehicle versus clemastine for ASPA+ density (difference: 156.9 ± 43.21; 95% CI: 67.00 to 246.7; t21 = 3.63, P = 0.0016) and MBP fluorescence (difference: 17.10 ± 5.640; 95% CI: 5.370 to 28.83; t21 = 3.032, P = 0.0063), n = 11 vehicle-treated and 12 clemastine-treated mice. e, Individual fear expression over time for vehicle-treated mice and clemastine-treated mice. Two-way ANOVA (F4,108 = 5.884, P = 0.0003) with Sidak’s post hoc tests comparing across treatment groups for conditioning (difference: 0.8941 ± 4.116; 95% CI: −9.860 to 11.65; P = 0.9928), 24 h (difference: −0.8004 ± 4.116; 95% CI: −11.55 to 9.954; 0.9948) and 30 days (difference: −17.49 ± 4.116; 95% CI: −16.00 to −0.3832; P = 0.0002), n = 15 vehicle-treated and 14 clemastine-treated mice. f, Experimental timeline controlling for the duration of clemastine injections, in which the entire injection protocol is completed before initiation of fear conditioning and recent memory recall; n = 10 mice per treatment. g, Individual freezing responses during recent memory recall testing for animals pretreated with clemastine in the experimental timeline shown in f. Two-way ANOVA (F1,18 = 0.0003928, P = 0.9844). h, Experimental paradigm for clemastine injections in Myrf icKO animals. i, Individual fear expression over time for vehicle-treated mice and clemastine-treated Myrf icKO mice. Two-way ANOVA (F4,48 = 1.357, P = 0.2629), n = 6 vehicle-treated and 8 clemastine-treated mice. Scale bars, 100 μm (b,c). Data are presented as the mean ± s.e.m. **P ≤ 0.01, ****P ≤ 0.0001.